Biogen is joining the Centre for Therapeutic Target Validation (CTTV), a public-private pre-competitive, open-innovation consortium that aims to select and validate novel targets in drug development.
Biogen’s new membership follows the launch of the new CTTV Target Validation Platform, designed to help researchers identify therapeutic targets for new medicines. The platform has had more than 9,000 visits since its launch in December 2015.
“We are committed to advancing evidence-based target discovery and opening up the field for researchers to create innovative methods and tools to accelerate the development of new medicines,” says Sally John, Ph.D., Biogen vp of computational biology & genomics. “Being part of the CTTV helps us realize this vision and provides a practical, harmonized way to share data with the scientific community.”
CTTV said it welcomes new interest from companies and academic institutions seeking to accelerate the discovery of drug targets—proteins, protein complexes, or RNA molecules—through open innovation. CTTV was originally formed by GlaxoSmithKline, the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, and the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) to promote ongoing academic-industry interaction toward developing open, transformative approaches to target identification.
Through the collaboration, members agree to share experimental data and information gathered within CTTV to benefit the broader scientific community after basic quality control checks to ensure consistency with the data-sharing guidelines of both institutes. CTTV seeks to help researchers discover targets covering all aspects of human health and disease.