October 15, 2018 (Vol. 38, No. 18)
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments
The EDX-8100 energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) spectrometer incorporates a revamped semiconductor detector SDD with a special ultra-thin-film window material. Its improved detector offers a high fluorescent x-ray count per unit time to increase throughput and provides compatibility with helium purging. When configured with an optional helium purge unit, the EDX-8100 is capable of the high-sensitivity analysis of elements, including fluorine to aluminum, in samples that cannot be depressurized to a vacuum state, such as liquid samples and those containing water or oils. For solids and powders, carbon to uranium can be detected by adding a vacuum measurement unit. In addition, in combination with the small spot analysis kit, this instrument supports the accurate analysis of small samples with a diameter of 1 mm or less.