The cell and gene therapy fields have exploded with new treatments for a variety of diseases, as well as the potential to treat a host of other disorders in the near future. Yet, the transition from the benchtop to production scale is never straightforward and typically involves tackling numerous scale-up challenges. Often, scientists are burdened with troubleshooting complex production problems while maintaining critical timelines and preserving drug safety issues. Thankfully, MilliporeSigma has the expertise on hand to assist researchers and production engineers with their process development challenges. MilliporeSigma has consolidated its expertise into a course they call Gene Therapy University, designed to dive deep into customers‘ operational challenges. We sat down with two team members to tell us more about the difficulties often faced by scientists in the cell and gene therapy space and how they help clients traverse the challenging production landscape. Take a listen!
Ratish Krishnan
Associate Director – Americas
Cell & Gene Therapy BioProcessing Segment
David Bohonak, PhD
Market Segment Manager
Cell & Gene Therapy Bioprocessing Segment