Testa Analytical Solutions
The Nanobrook ZetaPALS zeta potential analyzer is optimized to make sensitive and precise measurements in both organic and aqueous media. Typically, making zeta potential measurements in organic (non-polar) solvents requires much higher sensitivity than in aqueous (polar) solutions. The analyzer achieves this using phase analysis light scattering (PALS) and can be used to make zeta potential measurements up to 1000 times more sensitive than traditional light scattering methods, based on the shifted frequency spectrum. Made of PEEK with a palladium electrode assembly, the Nanobrook ZetaPALS measurement cell is resistant to the broadest range possible of solvents and offers excellent chemical stability, easy cleaning, and long-term top performance. Precision Peltier temperature control enables precise zeta potential measurements from –5°C to 110°C. For laboratories tasked with just analyzing aqueous solutions, inexpensive disposable plastic cells can be used with the high-performance electrode assembly. For applications in organic solvents, quartz cells are available. Almost all particulate or macroscopic materials in contact with a liquid acquire an electronic charge on their surfaces.