The Cell Therapy market has been experiencing double-digit growth over the last 3-5 years and is anticipated to continue at this pace. More cell therapies are making progress towards late-stage manufacturing, some under the Fast Track designation, demonstrating promising outcomes in oncology, regenerative medicine, and other diseases. Both cell therapy innovators and manufacturing organizations are employing novel technologies and methodologies to adapt to an accelerated and evolving clinical landscape.
This collection focuses on new cell therapy discoveries, subsequent manufacturing challenges, and solutions to efficiently scale to commercial-ready processes. As cell therapies make their way from discovery, development, clinical and commercial manufacturing, each step poses new challenges and consideration points. A customized pathway for an autologous versus an allogeneic modality needs to be considered. Further adding to this challenge is an inherent cell complexity stemming from biological differences across cell types and cell sources. An understanding of benefits and pitfalls at each step can help overcome ever-evolving challenges in a dynamic cell therapy market. A broad spectrum of solutions around manufacturing efficiencies and commercially-scaling cell therapies will also be discussed to fast track therapeutics in hopes to improve and accelerate access to cures.
Catalent, a full-service global partner for advanced biotherapeutics, has made significant investments in the cell and gene therapy space, adding deep experience in viral vector scale-up and production and autologous and allogeneic cell therapy manufacturing. The combined strengths of Catalent and our innovative partners allow for therapies to be manufactured under high-quality standards and unmatched operational excellence in one of the fastest-growing areas of healthcare.
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