October 15, 2017 (Vol. 37, No. 18)
Agilent Technologies
The Ultivo™ Triple Quad is a transformative approach to liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) that integrates several hardware and software innovations designed to deliver even more improved business results for customers. Ultivo is optimized to address the food and environmental routine testing segments employing triple quad LC-MS systems for quantitative analyses. It delivers robust performance and easier serviceability, in a footprint that is 70% smaller than previous instruments. Ultivo provides reproducible, reliable assays that result in improved performance for complex matrices. Greater ion-transmission efficiency leads to optimized sensitivity; and improved, intelligent diagnostics use intuitive readbacks that can quickly identify issues, ensuring optimum uptime. Furthermore, Ultivo’s new VacShield vacuum provides ventless ion-injector exchange capabilities that reduce wear and tear and facilitate rapid front-end maintenance.