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Assessing the quality of precious nucleic acids like genomic DNA, RNA, and immunoprecipitated DNA prior to library preparation is critically important for generating high-quality sequencing results. Oftentimes only small volumes of low concentrations of samples are available for quality analysis. Traditional separations methods require too much material leaving scientists with difficult choices about conducting sample QC. Equally important to long read sequencing library success is confirming the size, concentration, and overall quality of the prepared libraries. Properly prepared libraries help optimize cluster generation/flow cell loading and aids in both cost and time savings while maximizing sequencing data quality and output. This presentation will show how low concentrated samples, as well as libraries prepared for long read sequencing benefit from QC, performed with the Femto Pulse.
The Femto Pulse streamlines nucleic acid quality assessment of incoming raw materials and long read library preparations using a pulsed field power supply and enhanced optical detection system. High molecular weight DNA samples can be separated 10 times faster than legacy methods with a fraction of the nucleic acids, dramatically reducing library preparation time and sample input requirements. Data will be presented that demonstrates how sample quality can impact long read sequencing outcomes and why accurate QC is important for successful sequencing.
A live Q&A session followed the presentations, offering you a chance to pose questions to our expert panelists.
Produced with support from:
Stuart Levine, PhD
BioMicro Center MIT
Steve Siembieda
Product Marketing Manager
Agilent Technologies