Xenomics’ detection and monitoring instrument will be used for assessment and stratification.
Xenomics granted Ipsogen co-exclusive rights to develop, manufacture, and market research and diagnostic products for the stratification and monitoring of patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
AML is a clinically and molecularly heterogeneous disease. Subgrouping by cytogenetic karyotyping indicates patient prognosis. However, in almost half of AML cases the karyotype appears normal, according to the firms. A recent discovery showed that about 60% of adult AML with normal karyotype have a mutation in the nucleophosmin (NPM1) gene, they add.
Xenomics reports that it has developed a test that detects all known 45 mutations of NPM1 in one reaction. In addition, the company says that it designed a sensitive NPM1 monitoring test that can detect the presence of residual disease following chemotherapy.
It is hoped that the combination of NPM1 diagnostic and monitoring assays can provide effective means of assessing and stratifying patients during clinical trials.
“The NPM1 products will integrate Ipsogen quantitative and standardized technology, FusionQuant® and ProfileQuant®, to warrant the highest level of precision and quality for clinical laboratories and patients,” states Vincent Fert, president and CEO of Ipsogen.