New Rochelle, NY, November 6, 2012—Current results on GEN’s online “Your Choice for President” poll reveal a strikingly different pattern from that seen in major newspaper articles and on television and cable TV networks.

As of this afternoon, 54.2% of our poll takers chose President Obama and 43.1% picked Mitt Romney. This is almost exactly the opposite from a look at our poll results yesterday which had Mr. Romney gathering 51% the vote versus 47% for President Obama. And those numbers differed dramatically from last Friday when 70% of those taking the poll thought President Obama would be better for biotech while 30% believed that Mr. Romney would be the perfect biotech president.

“We had an unprecedented number of GEN website visitors cast a vote in our presidential poll. Clearly, people feel very, very strongly on which candidate would be better for biotech,” said John Sterling, GEN’s Editor in Chief. “But if you were to ask me what might account for these wildly divergent results since Friday, I am at a loss for words.”

Headlines from papers such as the Wall Street Journal and comments from political pundits on talk shows over the weekend both indicated that most American voters seemed to be evenly split on their final choice for tomorrow’s election. The GEN results give a new meaning to the term “swing voters.”

The GEN poll officially closes at 9 pm EST tonight. If you would like to take part please go to and cast your second vote for today.

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