Firm gains shRNA libraries for human and mouse genomes.

Thermo Fisher Scientific is acquiring Open Biosystems to expand its position in the RNAi field. Open Biosystems specializes in shRNA and viral-vector systems for delivering shRNA into living cells. The company offers shRNA libraries for human and mouse genomes.

“The acquisition of Open Biosystems further strengthens our market-leading position in synthetic RNAi products with highly complementary technologies based on advanced shRNA,” says Marijn E. Dekkers, president and CEO of Thermo Fisher Scientific. “This combination brings together leading technologies for analyzing gene function, allowing us to create a powerful tool set for our customers who are performing cutting-edge life science research.”

Open Biosystems also provides collections of complementary DNA and open reading frame (ORF) vectors for gene expression as well as custom antibody services for detection of changes in cellular protein levels. Open Biosystems, which reportedly had revenues of approximately $14 million in 2007, will be integrated into Thermo Fisher’s analytical technologies segment.

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