Company strengthens sales channel and life sciences portfolio with the addition of Spectronex and Flux Instruments.

Thermo Fisher Scientific made its second acquisition through SwissAnalytic Group expanding its HPLC and LCMS business and its European presence. SwissAnalytic owns Spectronex and Flux Instruments, which had combined revenues of approximately $22 million in fiscal year 2006.

“Flux Instruments is a strong complement to our expanding chromatography and life sciences mass spectrometry product lines,” says Marijn E. Dekkers, president and CEO of Thermo Fisher Scientific. “In addition, Spectronex enables Thermo Fisher to strengthen our footprint in Europe with direct sales channels and support, enhancing our ability to work closely with important customers in this area.”

Flux brings new technology and design expertise to Thermo Fisher Scientific’s current HPLC and LCMS business. Flux will thus enhance the company’s product portfolio with complementary technologies and intellectual property for future product development.

Spectronex supplies mass spectrometry, chromatography, and surface science instrumentation in Switzerland, Austria, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. As Thermo Fisher Scientific expands its field sales presence in Europe, this acquisition will bring additional direct sales, demonstration capabilities, and visibility to customers in these regions.

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