Goal of DELSA is to set up a resource for life scientists to share data, tools, and services.
The Data-Enabled Life Science Alliance (DELSA) received an inaugural planning grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to establish and develop a community of life scientists working together with a diverse set of computational domains such as high-performance computing, cyberinfrastructure, and data science.
DELSA’s aim is to create a sustainable and shared access to data, knowledge, tools, and services. DELSA says that it will advance data-enabled life sciences by moving from “one scientist-one project” to “collective innovation.”
“There is an urgent need to create an ecosystem of federal agencies, foundations, academia, and industry supporting data-enabled life sciences and to integrate them with major international and national initiatives,” says Eugene Kolker, DELSA, co-founder and chief data officer, Seattle Children’s Research Institute. “We are extremely grateful to the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation for their support in this exciting new initiative.”
The alliance will use the Moore Foundation’s backing to engage with the community to develop a strategic plan that can fulfill its vision. There are multiple diverse resources available to the life sciences community, and rather than reinventing them discipline-by-discipline, these resources can be organized for maximum effectiveness and accessibility. In addition, the transition toward “collective innovation” can be enabled through scientist training, funding agency alignment, private-public partnerships, and an overall awareness and adoption of the collaborative mindset.