Technology will replace the current supercomputers for handling data from high-throughput studies.
The State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo has chosen the Sage-N Research Sorcerer™ platform for its proteomics research. The university’s Lab of Clinical Proteomics and Pharmaceutical Analysis, led by Jun Qu, Ph.D., selected the Sequest® 3G search engine and Matrix Science’s Mascot®, a search engine that uses mass spectrometry data to identify proteins from primary sequence databases.
Both are hosted on the Sorcerer platform, which is designed to support multiple software programs. The Sorcerer will replace the current supercomputers that are used within the university’s laboratory. The technology will handle up to a terabyte of information generated by a long-gradient nanoliquid chromatography mass spectrometer (nano-LC/MS) developed in Dr. Qu’s lab.
“For example, 60k–80k spectra were generated by a single nano-LC/MS run of a clinical sample. In our lab, one typical clinical project will involve the analysis of 2–3 millions of spectra,” Dr. Qu says.
SUNY at Buffalo will use the technology in a variety of applications including diagnostic and biomarker discovery for cardiovascular diseases, colon, pancreatic and prostate cancers, cocaine addiction, retina degeneration, COPD, and HIV.