Platform joins the Roche 454 GS FLX Titanium and AB SOLiD 4 technologies.
SeqWright acquired the Illumina HiSeq 2000 sequencing system. The firm will also utilize Illumina’s scalable data-analysis software to transform billions of bases of raw sequencing data into publishable, biologically meaningful results.
Addition of the Illumina HiSeq 2000 to SeqWright’s already established Roche 454 GS FLX Titanium and Applied Biosystems SOLiD 4 sequencing platforms, along with multiple available sequence-capture and target-enrichment technologies, enables the company to offer customers the best in sequencing solutions, SeqWright points out.
For target enrichment, SeqWright recently introduced its RainDance Technologies capabilities as well as certified service provider status for Agilent Sureselect. SeqWright is also an authorized service provider for NimbleGen capture arrays.
SeqWright is based in Houston, TX, and has provided molecular biology and genomic services for over 15 years. SeqWright was recently awarded a license by the state of California to operate as a clinical laboratory. This license, along with CLIA certification, allows SeqWright to handle clinical samples from the vast majority of the U.S.