The MenSCs were also observed to maintain over 50% of their telomerase activity compared to human embryonic stem cells, according to a study in Cell Transplantation.

Cryo-Cell and McGowan Institute of Regenerative Medicine say that they have conducted research that adds to the evidence that menstrual blood is a potentially unlimited, easily collectable, and inexpensive source of stem cells.

Previously, stromal stem cells were identified in endometrial tissues of the uterus. When the fresh growth of tissue and blood vessels is shed during each menstrual cycle, some cells with regenerative and multipotency capabilities, menstrual blood stromal cells (MenSCs), are present and collectable. 

Scientists tested the MenSCs and found that they could differentiate into adipogenic, chondrogenic, osteogenic, ectodermal, mesodermal, cardiogenic, and neural cell lineages. The sample MenSCs expanded rapidly and maintained greater than 50% of their telomerase activity compared to human embryonic stem cells and showed more activity than bone marrow-derived stem cells. The studies also demonstrated that MenSCs are easily expandable to clinical relevance and express multipotent markers at both the molecular and cellular level, report the investigators.

The results of the study are published in the this year’s issue of Cell Transplantation.

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