Novel products and processes for biopharmaceutical manufacturing will be developed in this 3,000-square-meter facility.

Sartorius officially opened its new lab for biotech R&D at its German location in Goettingen. After  eight months of construction, laboratories, pilot plant stations, and offices are opend for business on five stories covering a total area of about 3,000 square meters.

Novel products and processes for the manufacture of biopharmaceuticals are to be developed in the new facility. In particular, developers are working on disposable technologies that will contribute toward making complex production processes of pharmaceutical and biotechnology customers faster, more efficient, safer, and more reliable, explains Sartorius’ CEO and executive board chairman, Joachim Kreuzburg.

In addition to the new labs for cell culture technology and virology, a process-scale test station was built in which customer-specific applications can be tested and optimized.

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