DOD gives approval to E-Z-EM’s skin decontaminant, RSDL.

E-Z-EM’s skin decontaminant for protection against chemical weapons (CW) agents has been cleared for deployment to soldiers at war.

The Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical Biological Defense (JPEO-CBD) of the DoD determined that RSDL satisfied all final configuration testing criteria. It is thus approved for initial procurements by the individual service branches.

RSDL is a broad-spectrum skin decontamination product intended to remove or neutralize CW agents or T2 toxins from the skin, according to E-Z-EM.

“Of course, we are extremely pleased that this long-anticipated decision has been made,” comments Anthony A. Lombardo, president and CEO. “RSDL has now been evaluated and approved by three U.S. Government entities, an intense level of scrutiny that we believe speaks to the importance of improving skin decontamination for war fighters and first responders. RSDL has been shown to deliver this improved capability against CW agents, and we are pleased to now be able to offer the product to our armed service branches.”

RSDL received FDA approval in March 2003, was authorized for sale to first-responder organizations in September of 2004, and in September 2006, was awarded Safety Act certification by the DHS, which extended certain liability protections to the company and its suppliers and customers in the event RSDL would be used in response to a terrorist incident.

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