Deals cover two therapeutic proteins.

ProBioGen and Minapharm signed separate deals to develop two therapeutic proteins. This includes one exclusively for Minapharm and a second-generation biopharmaceutical product for co-promotion.

In the first agreement, ProBioGen will apply its cell-generation process for biopharmaceutical cell lines. Minapharm, via its subsidiary, Rhein-Minapharm-Biogenetics, will carry out the pertinent process R&D, production, and commercialization of the target therapeutic proteins.

In the second transaction, ProBioGen and Minapharm will co-develop the product using either ProBioGen’s preoptimized CHO cell line or its human neuronal cell line—AGE1.HN. Minapharm will exclusively market the product in Middle Eastern and African countries. ProBioGen will have promotional rights in rest of the world. The companies will share the revenue from the product.

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