Precision Bioservices, a subsidiary of Precision for Medicine, was awarded a 7-year contract of up to $28 million to provide management and oversight of disease-study specimens for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

As part of the contract, Precision will support and maintain a collection of biological specimens from NIAID-sponsored epidemiological and clinical trials that currently contain 5.9 million biospecimens and are expected to acquire an additional 2–3 million over the next 7 years.

Precision said it will receive, store, aliquot, and ship specimens for use in research related to HIV/AIDS and maintain a quality assurance and quality control program for the repository that conforms to published best practice guidelines. The terms of the contract also allow for optional services such as the culturing and aliquoting of tuberculosis and other BSL-3 agents from NIAID-funded study groups performing research on HIV/AIDS and associated infections.    

“Servicing the NIH's need for a very large volume, complex biorepository solution is an important component of our business and this contract further reinforces our capabilities in this area,” said Chad Clark, co-president and COO. “This award is also a great reflection of our teams and their commitment to quality in the science of cryopreservation and biobank management.”

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