ViaCord Research Institute™ will work on technology and product development, emerging therapies, genetic screening, and transplants.

PerkinElmer has established the ViaCord Research Institute™ (VRI™) to focus on investigating potential uses of umbilical cord blood-derived stem cells.

VRI will concentrate on supporting science, technology, and medical treatments using cord blood stem cells in five key areas: cord blood technologies, emerging stem cell therapies, genetic screening, product development and related transplants.

The institute will be led by a team of scientists and physicians including leading experts in the areas of stem cell biology, maternal-fetal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, transplant medicine, and genetics.

Cord blood is a noncontroversial source of stem cells with proven effect in treating more than 70 serious diseases including many cancers and immunodeficiencies, according to the PerkinElmer.

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