Optimata Virtual Patient technology, a predictive biosimulation tool, will be used.
Optimata entered a collaboration with Teva Pharmaceutical to develop candidates for solid tumor cancers. The partners will select compounds that had been previously discontinued in development to re-evaluate.
Rescue and redirection of the program will be done using Optimata’s predictive biosimulation technology. Optimata Virtual Patient® comprises computer-implemented mathematical algorithms of key physiological, pathological, and pharmacological processes in the body of the patient.
It then unfolds drug-patient dynamic interactions, enabling drug developers to perform virtual clinical trials and clinical indication match for patient population as well as forecast optimal drug treatments for a given trial end point, according to the companies. Moreover, calibrated with patient-specific parameters, Optimata’s technology can tailor improved treatments of various monotherapies and combination therapies of targeted drugs and chemotherapeutics, they add.
Optimata will receive up-front payments, development milestones, and royalties. Separately, Teva Pharmaceutical made an undisclosed equity investment in Optimata.