Candidate: Thiolanox®, a high-dose inhaled nitric oxide therapy for the treatment of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2

Type: Pharmaceutical nitric oxide gaseous formulation supplied via Mallinckrodt’s high-pressure cylinders at 5,000 ppm (0.5% v/v) nitric oxide gas for inhalation canisters.

Status: Novoteris and Mallinckrodt said April 1 that the Therapeutic Products Directorate of Health Canada cleared the companies’ joint pilot clinical trial to investigate Thiolanox in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 at Vancouver Coastal Health Authority facilities.  The study is designed to assess the safety and effectiveness of Thiolanox in treating COVID-19 and its associated lung complications. The companies said they expected to begin recruiting patients “in the coming days.”

COVID-19: 200 Candidates and Counting

To navigate through the >200 potential therapeutic and vaccine options for COVID-19, GEN has grouped the candidates into four broad categories based on their developmental and (where applicable) clinical progress:

FRONT RUNNER – the most promising therapeutics/vaccines based on clinical progress, favorable data or both.

DEFINITELY MAYBE – earlier phases with promising partners, or more advanced candidates in development that have generated uneven data

KEEPING AN EYE ON… – interesting technology, attracting notable partners, or both, but preliminary data.

TOO SOON TO TELL – longshots pending additional experimental and/or clinical data.

GEN has also tagged the most common treatment types:





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