IsoPlexis reported today that it has launched IsoSpeak software for automated on-site analysis and advanced, functional, single-cell mapping, along with the debut of the company’s murine cell solution for preclinical immunotherapy profiling and its polyfunctional inflammation solution for profiling a range of inflammatory diseases.

IsoSpeak is the first automated informatics suite that can reveal correlative insights into true, functional, immune biology, according to Sean Mackay, company CEO and co-founder. The software’s push-button user interface and advanced automation allows users to visualize, target, and utilize data from direct, functional cytokine profiling of single cells for the first time, he explains, adding that IsoSpeak works with the IsoLight single-cell, cytokine detection system to provide sample annotation and report-ready single-cell readouts.

Single-cell mapping includes a range of heatmaps, PCA, t-SNE and other analyses to allow immune characterization, fitness metrics, and novel cellular discovery within the complex immunotherapy discovery and development environment, Mackay continues.

“People see well-published data showing that proteomics can confirm how each sample is performing. This information is critical for developing immunotherapy applications. Until today, most technologies for gathering this data involved much complexity and great difficulty,” explains Mackay.

“There are thousands of data points per sample which, in theory, require a lot of informatics and computers to put the data together. Our software takes all that information and those multi-data points and condenses it in your hand in an easy-to-use fashion. Getting the data is quick, and once the run is done, all those data visualizations are able to be manipulated by users on the same day.”

Mackay went on to note that researchers can collect data for presentation to their team that is easy to understand and comprehend. “You do not have to be an informatician,” he pointed out. “Democratizing the data this way allows it to flow to biomarker discovery scientists and clinical researchers who do not need to have deep informatics backgrounds.”

In the past, Mackay said that IsoPlexis and other companies offered a number of different types of data visualization packages. “Now all this data is available in one package,” he explained. “Most researchers who do cellular analysis need three to five software packages. This becomes difficult and expensive as you may need to hire additional staff to do the informatics work.”

Jon Chen, senior director of marketing at IsoPlexis, echoed Mackay’s points about cost savings and ease of use offered by the new software package.

“We are excited that our systems can facilitate advancements and accelerate decision making within these cutting-edge research programs,” said Chen.

IsoPlexis also expanded its applications with new IsoCode Chip products, including the murine cell Single Cell Polyfunctional Strength solution to open up a variety of previously published insights in the preclinical realm. Additionally, the Single Cell Polyfunctional Inflammation solution helps discover and target important inflammatory cell types in high need areas like auto-immune disease, neuroinflammation, and immune-related adverse events.

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