Love might make the world go round, but technology is what drives biotechnology forward. Indeed, the inclusion of the term in biotechnology clearly intimates the roles sophisticated tools, methodologies, and instrument systems play in drug discovery, development, and biomanufacturing.
Promising molecular diagnostics and life-saving biotherapeutics rightfully gain all the publicity and the headlines. But none of these would be possible without many of the scientifically advanced techniques researchers rely upon in laboratories and R&D facilities all over the globe.
In consultation with several members of GEN’s Editorial Advisory Board, we are delighted to present GEN’s Top Ten Technologies of 2013. Our list was not a cut-and-dry call. A plethora of novel technologies is currently helping to transform life science research. Nonetheless, in the opinion of the Editorial Advisory Board and our editorial staff, GEN’s Top Ten Technologies are the ones to watch.
To get a sense of what our list is about, consider just a few examples. CRISPR technology is being used in cutting-edge gene editing applications, which constitute one of the bedrock operations in biotech R&D. Scientists at Organovo already have used bioprinting to produce liver slices that functioned normally for 40 days. And next-generation sequencing instruments, such as Illumina’s MiSeqDx, will surely stimulate the clinical diagnostics arena.
We invite you to come along with us. Take a peek into the future, and see how GEN’s Top Ten Technologies of 2013 are beginning to revolutionize the world of biotechnology.
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