Collaborating for Filtration Success, Virtually

Bioproduction work is never easy but trying to run filter sizing trials in the midst of a global pandemic only serves to make matters even more difficult. So, when scientists at Janssen Sciences Ireland found themselves between the proverbial rock and a hard place due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, they turned to the technical expertise from the M Lab™ Collaboration Centers at Merck. Scientists and engineers at the M Labs were able to devise a plan that supported Janssen’s needs and help them meet their critical timelines since they have become extremely adept at assisting customers with their projects through in-depth, virtual collaborations. Take a listen to this latest GENcast episode to hear how this scientific partnership came about and was able to exceed its goals. 


Terri Love
MSAT Manager

Baptiste Balbuena
Biomanufacturing Engineer – MSAT

Ireoluwa Olajitan
Ireoluwa Olajitan
Janssen Sciences Ireland