May 1, 2009 (Vol. 29, No. 9)

“The PA 800 plus Pharmaceutical Analysis System automates SDS-gel, isoelectric focusing, and glycan analysis of monoclonal antibodies and other therapeutic proteins,” according to Mark Lies and Hans Dewald, capillary electrophoresis product managers at Beckman Coulter. The platform integrates quantitative, qualitative, and automated solutions for analysis of protein purity, charge isoform distribution, and glycan structure.

“We developed the PA 800 plus based on feedback from the industry,” notes Lies. Designed with the biopharmaceutical analyst in mind, the instrument routinely handles demanding SDS-gel applications that require high-viscosity buffers, he adds. Software guides users through set up and operation with the aid of large icons to provide navigation guidance and on-screen cues monitoring both system progress and system requirements.

Since data variability is an area of particular concern to the biopharmaceutical industry, the system was designed to provide consistent results from run to run, lab to lab, and location to location, the managers report.

“Beckman Coulter has marketed capillary electrophoresis for twenty years,” adds Dewald, “and we have introduced new systems, methods, or chemistries every year. The PA 800 plus builds on this history and combines industry feedback with validated applications and new technologies, including advanced cIEF methods and new synthetic pI markers.”

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