Roche recently launched an addition to the SeqCap EZ product portfolio for enriching regions of interest.
Atlas Biolabs qualified as the first certified service provider (CSP) for the Roche NimbleGen SeqCap EZ genomic enrichment technology in Germany after passing the company’s certification process. Atlas will process customer gDNA samples using the complete NimbleGen Sequence Capture Array and solution-based capture workflow. Enriched samples can then be analyzed on the long-read Roche GS FLX and GS Junior platforms as well as on short-read sequencing platforms.
Roche NimbleGen recently launched an addition to the SeqCap EZ product portfolio with SeqCap EZ Choice Libraries for enrichment of custom regions of interest in a single test tube. SeqCap EZ Library is a solution-based capture method that enables enrichment of the whole exome or regions of interest in a single test tube. Atlas is the second genomic service provider to join the Roche NimbleGen CSP Program in Europe for SeqCap EZ Exome libraries.