Agencourt Bioscience (www., a wholly owned subsidiary of Beckman Coulter (, reports that Affymetrix ( has validated and endorsed the Agencourt AMPure® PCR purification system for target preparation with the new Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human SNP Array 5.0.

The SNP Array 5.0 protocol recommended by Affymetrix utilizes a novel application of the Agencourt AMPure product, according to Agencourt. The product is based on the patented SPRI® (Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization) paramagnetic bead-based nucleic acid purification technology, which is widely used in automated purification methods available on Beckman Coulter laboratory workstations.

The SPRI beads in Agencourt AMPure bind the PCR amplicons and draw them out of solution, allowing contaminants to be easily rinsed away, explains Lynn Doucette-Stamm, Ph.D., vp of business development from Agencourt.

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