Expanding on the European initiative, 25 new researchers will be able to tap into the SNP Array 6.0 and the Human Exon 1.0 ST Array.
Affymetrix formed an alliance with 25 cancer researchers thereby extending its Collaborations in Cancer Research Program (CCRP) to North America. The original European CCRP was launched in April 2007.
The program gives investigators access to Affymetrix’ integrated genomics solution. This solution combines copy number data from the SNP Array 6.0 and expression information from the Human Exon 1.0 ST Array to deliver a comprehensive view of the cancer genome.
Affymetrix predicts that initial data from various studies will be released in the next three to six months. The company is also partially funding selected research projects that demonstrate clinical utility. The company will additionally help scientists obtain tools and training and provide forums where investigators can exchange knowledge and share best practices.
Some esearchers included in the North America CCRP are Tak Mak Wah, University of Toronto, Sami Malek, University of Michigan, William Lin, Broad Institute, Marc Ladanyi, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Robert Schneider, New York University School of Medicine Cancer Institute, Norman Lee, George Washington University Medical Center, John Hassell, McMaster University, Grover Bagby, Oregon Health and Science University, Ian Campbell, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Loic Le Marchand, University of Hawaii, and Benjamin Tycko, Columbia University.
Affymetrix reports plans to expand the Collaborations in Cancer Research Program across Asia-Pacific later this year.