Sweet news for diabetes researchers, particularly those focused on elderly sufferers: The American Diabetes Association (ADA) and Eli Lilly have launched a three-year collaborative research program aimed at better understanding diabetes care in older adults. The program, “American Diabetes Association and Lilly Clinical Research Award: Diabetes Care in Older Adults,” will grant a total of $1.2 million for targeted research awards and was made possible through funding from Lilly Diabetes. The program will be directed, managed, and overseen by the ADA.
Why the new program? The association and Lilly say that research studies in this population are crucial for several reasons including ability to assess diabetes risk, ability to assess optimal treatment approaches, ability to assess the care of older patients with multiple co-morbidities, dependent living situations, and significant hypoglycemia risk.
“This is an unmet need in diabetes care,” said Robert Heine, vp, medical affairs at Lilly Diabetes. “Older adults with diabetes often face greater complications and might need different approaches to care and treatment than younger adults. With this research program and with the collaboration of the American Diabetes Association, we hope to be able to delve deeper into the challenges facing this population as they confront this disease.”
The ADA says it is currently seeking research applications for clinical and translational studies focused on improving the evidence base and understanding of the goals, barriers, and effects of treatments and interventions (beneficial and adverse) in the older adult population with diabetes. The deadline for submission is September 16, 2013; awards will be announced later this year, and the grants will be three-year awards starting in early 2014.