GEN Magazine

Volume 42, Issue No. 08, August 2022

Anything that lives, even in the figurative sense, embodies a complex order—that is, an order in which a stable and optimized whole depends on the interactions of distinctive, specialized, and interdependent parts. As this issue of GEN demonstrates, complex orders are emerging in several biotech/life sciences enterprises: phage therapy research, biobanking, biopharma cluster development, and bioprocessing. In each of these enterprises, the idea is to orchestrate complex interactions. In phage therapy research, the interactions are among pathogens, phages, and the microorganism (the patient); in biobanking, they are among researchers, specimen providers, technology developers, and standards bodies. In biopharma cluster development, they are among economic development agencies, life sciences companies, and real estate developers. Finally, in bioprocessing, the orchestration of complex interactions finds its highest expression through dynamic monitoring and control of upstream and downstream activities. Although the word “orchestration” suggests that bioprocessing of this kind is an art, it is really more of a science, depending as it does on digital twins and artificial intelligence technology.

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Website Content from This Issue

Phage Therapy Starts Realizing Its Long-Deferred Potential

Bacteriophage virus attacking a bacterium

The State of Phage Therapy Research

New Labs, New Funds: Activity Blossoms in the Leading U.S. Biopharma Clusters

Biobanking Embraces Specialization and Interdependence


Bringing Big SynBio to the Big City

Vera Pisareva, PhD and Hope Kenmore

Lonza’s Perspective on Process Monitoring and Control

Bioprocessing 4.0 Hinges on Monitoring and Control Technology


Digital Twins and AI Reshape Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing

Researcher at the Jefferson Institute for Bioprocessing installs monitoring devices

Next-Generation Cancer Vaccines Get Personal

cancer vaccine

Transient Protein Expression Will Revolutionize Bioproduction

Gene Editing May Soon Be Rolling in Clover

Demeetra AgBio’s Cas-CLOVER gene editing technology

Boosting MS to Enable Deeper Exploration of the Proteome

proteins or enzymes

GEN for Mobile


City of Vacaville: Providing Development Opportunities for the Biotech Industry

Arial view of vacaville

Metabolomics and Lipidomics Research

Plasma Membrane Of A Cell

Optimized Tube Plate for 
Enzyme Studies

Real-Time PCR 
Detection System

Enhanced Aseptic 
Transfer Efficiency

Getinge La Calhène. Photo Fabrice Dunou

Pathway That Drives Inflammation in Autoimmune Diseases Uncovered

Using Iron to Help Kill Resistant Prostate Cancer Cells

Prostate cancer cells, SEM

Omicron Subvariants BA.4 and BA.5 Are More Elusive to Immune System

Corona Virus covid-19 illustration

Skin Patch Test Detects COVID-19 in Under Three Minutes