GEN Magazine Volume 32, Issue No. 17, October 1 2012 Website Content From This Issue Website Content from This IssueSponsoredAdvertorial: Fujifilm Diosynth BiotechnologiesOctober 1, 2012InsightsPeople in the NewsOctober 1, 2012SponsoredAdvertorial: Asahi Kasei BioprocessOctober 1, 2012SponsoredAdvertorial: BaxterOctober 1, 2012SponsoredAdvertorial: Charles RiverOctober 1, 2012SponsoredAdvertorial: Douglas ScientificOctober 1, 2012SponsoredAdvertorial: DSM BiologicsOctober 1, 2012SponsoredAdvertorial: Essen BioScienceOctober 1, 2012SponsoredAdvertorial: FlexiconOctober 1, 2012InsightsMammalian Transient Transfection SystemOctober 1, 2012SponsoredAdvertorial: Indigo BiosciencesOctober 1, 2012SponsoredAdvertorial: Integra BiosciencesOctober 1, 2012SponsoredAdvertorial: New England BiolabsOctober 1, 2012SponsoredAdvertorial: OriGene TechnologiesOctober 1, 2012SponsoredAdvertorial: Richter-Helm BioTecOctober 1, 2012SponsoredAdvertorial: United States Pharmacopeial ConventionOctober 1, 2012SponsoredAdvertorial: Watson-MarlowOctober 1, 2012InsightsDifferentiating Mitochondrial ToxicityOctober 1, 2012InsightsUp- and Downstream Go Single UseOctober 1, 2012InsightsTechnophobia = Poisoned FruitOctober 1, 2012InsightsSafe Harbor Protects Post-Approval ActivitiesOctober 1, 2012InsightsSciLog Sees Big Promise in AcquisitionOctober 1, 2012InsightsNGS On Way to Becoming Critical Dx PlatformOctober 1, 2012InsightsAdvice to Biofirms: Be Prepared, Plan AheadOctober 1, 2012InsightsAutomation Redefines Compound ManagementOctober 1, 2012InsightsCapturing the CloneOctober 1, 2012InsightsNucleic Acid Sample-Prep Tools Break New GroundOctober 1, 2012InsightsQuantification of Microliter Volumes of DNAOctober 1, 2012InsightsGene Expression Analysis Reshapes Biomedical ResearchOctober 1, 2012InsightsCMOs Focus on Technology ImprovementsOctober 1, 2012InsightsReinventing Affinity TagsOctober 1, 2012InsightsAnimal Models Get Closer to Mimicking HumansOctober 1, 2012InsightsAccelerating R&D of Cell-Based TherapiesOctober 1, 2012InsightsFDASIA’s Impact on Novel IVDsOctober 1, 2012SponsoredAdvertorial: ATROctober 1, 2011