GEN Magazine Volume 30, Issue No. 18, October 15 2010 Website Content From This Issue Website Content from This IssueInsightsAnticipating Protein Biomarker ApplicationsOctober 15, 2010InsightsSearch for Effective HIV Vaccine IntensifiesOctober 15, 2010InsightsSystems Biology Upends Drug ReprofilingOctober 15, 2010InsightsStem Cell Therapies Make Steady ProgressOctober 15, 2010InsightsPlant Expression Systems Growing RapidlyOctober 15, 2010InsightsPlanning New Drug-Development StrategiesOctober 15, 2010InsightsOptimizing Cell-Culture TechnologiesOctober 15, 2010NewsLow-Abundance Protein EnrichmentOctober 15, 2010InsightsNext-Generation DNA Assembly ToolsOctober 15, 2010InsightsIn Vivo Imaging Transfigured by MRIOctober 15, 2010InsightsTool to Improve Ion-Channel ScreeningOctober 15, 2010InsightsNovel Antibody-Binding Detection AssayOctober 15, 2010InsightsChinese Biopharma Industry Gaining CloutOctober 15, 2010InsightsNanotechnology Makes Inroads into HealthcareOctober 15, 2010InsightsMicrofluidic Cell Culture Garners InterestOctober 15, 2010InsightsStem Cell Research Perseveres in the Midst of Funding CrisisOctober 15, 2010InsightsqPCR Sets New Standards for Gene-Expression AnalysisOctober 15, 2010