GEN Magazine Volume 26, Issue No. 01, January 1 2006 Website Content From This Issue Website Content from This IssueInsightsProtein Profiling Poised to Make its MarkJanuary 1, 2006InsightsBioMarket Trends: Cell Culture Arena Fueled by Emerging Variety of Biologic TherapeuticsJanuary 1, 2006InsightsCell Culture Advances Enable Better BiologyJanuary 1, 2006InsightsDownstream Processing Needs a BoostJanuary 1, 2006InsightsToxicogenomics Enhances Drug DiscoveryJanuary 1, 2006InsightsRNAi Technologies Become Discovery StapleJanuary 1, 2006InsightsApplying Biomarker Discovery StrategiesJanuary 1, 2006InsightsFrench Biotech Hungers for Fiscal StimuliJanuary 1, 2006InsightsCorrelating Genomics, Race, and MedicineJanuary 1, 2006NewsPolicymakers Should Harness User Fees for Drug SafetyJanuary 1, 2006InsightsNew Tools Highlighted at ASHG ConferenceJanuary 1, 2006InsightsMeasurement of a Communications ProgramJanuary 1, 2006InsightsEstablishing QC for Molecular DiagnosticsJanuary 1, 2006InsightsBiopartnering Crucial to Survival in EuropeJanuary 1, 2006ResourcesTaking the Guesswork Out of ProductionJanuary 1, 2006ResourcesMaximizing Quality in HTS Kinase ScreeningJanuary 1, 2006ResourcesEffective GPCR Screening Using ERK 1/2January 1, 2006NewsGene Patents and Global Competition IssuesJanuary 1, 2006