GEN Magazine Volume 25, Issue No. 17, October 1 2005 Website Content From This Issue Website Content from This IssueNewsProposition for a New and Better Model for HealthcareOctober 1, 2005NewsA Step Forward for Biotechnology Patent LawOctober 1, 2005NewsDiabetes: Potential Breakthroughs in TherapyOctober 1, 2005InsightsContract Manufacturing Fills Industry NicheOctober 1, 2005InsightsLinking Discovery Data to DiagnosticsOctober 1, 2005InsightsGEN Talks with President Bill ClintonOctober 1, 2005InsightsBiotechnology in Australia and New ZealandOctober 1, 2005InsightsNucleic Acid Purification Takes Many FormsOctober 1, 2005InsightsManipulation and Analysis of Nucleic AcidsOctober 1, 2005ResourcesAchieving Optimal Yields of High Quality RNAOctober 1, 2005ResourcesHow do Bacteria Turn Their Genes On and Off?October 1, 2005ResourcesNanoscale Gradient Chromatography for LC-MSOctober 1, 2005ResourcesManufacturing of Biopharmaceutical ProteinsOctober 1, 2005