GEN Magazine

april 2022 Vol. 41, No. 4

If this month’s GEN has a theme, it is, fittingly for April, all about renewal. Let’s begin with our cover story, which describes the ongoing digitalization of CDMO operations. Rooted in cost and quality considerations, digitalization efforts are reaching upward, in anticipation of a flowering of supply chain, capacity, and interoperability enhancements. Next, let’s look at our coverage of microbiome therapeutics. It emphasizes that the microbiome, like an unweeded garden, may be possessed by things rank and gross in nature. It also reports that dysbioses may be better resolved through the careful cultivation of benign bacterial groups. Finally, let’s look at our coverage of pain therapeutics and AI-driven drug discovery technology. Expect a burst of activity in psychedelic drugs, as well as cross-pollination between phenotypic drug discovery and structurally and mechanistically informed approaches. And that’s not all. April GEN includes coverage of NGS instrumentation startups, commentary on the pandemic-inspired elevation of AI and public-private partnerships, and an “A-List” of the top 25 biotech companies.

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