October 1, 2017 (Vol. 37, No. 17)
Experts from MilliporeSigma Highlight Different Aspects of Viral Safety
Viral safety is a constant concern for all biopharmaceuticals as a contamination can cause significant regulatory concern and business disruption.
A multilayered approach to virus safety across the full production landscape involves treating raw materials to prevent virus from entering the upstream process, testing intermediates to detect virus, and implementing purification and filtration technologies to remove virus downstream.
Recognizing there is no single solution that works for every process, experts from MilliporeSigma are hoping to stimulate discussion by highlighting different aspects of viral safety for well-established platforms and newer virus-based therapies. We hope you find these perspectives informative and look forward to working with you to solve the toughest viral safety challenges.
Advances in Upstream Technologies Reduce Viral-Contamination Risks
Viral Safety in Monoclonal Antibody Manufacturing
Laying the Foundation for Viral Safety
Keeping Up with Viral Safety Trends in Bioprocessing
Upstream Virus Safety: Protect Your Bioreactor by Media Filtration
Utility of GMP Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) for Biosafety Assessment of Biological Products
Darren Verlenden is vice president, bioprocessing, at MilliporeSigma. John Sterling ([email protected]), is editor-in-chief of GEN.