April 1, 2018 (Vol. 38, No. 7)
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) recently hosted a conference in Orlando, FL, to explore some of the emerging issues in oncology, including value-based healthcare models, managed care, and CMS reimbursement. The NCCN conference also highlighted new advances in cancer immunotherapy, the fastest growing and most precision medicine–based set of therapeutic modalities yet designed to treat cancer more effectively.
Activating immunotherapies, such as those used against cancer, must be distinguished from repressive immunotherapies, such as those used against autoimmune disorders. Consequently, when the focus is on cancer, we should remember to refer to it as cancer immunotherapy, or immuno-oncology, and avoid the confusion we sometimes see in the popular press. We should also look for specific terms when consulting market research. Incidentally, Zion Market Research predicts that the market for immuno-oncology therapy will grow from $42.97 billion in 2016 to $97.34 billion in 2022, with a compound annual growth rate of 14.6%.
In this GEN cancer immunotherapy supplement, focused on cancer, the editorial team has put together a set of articles that discuss advances in immuno-oncology diagnostics and therapies, biomarkers, and barriers that need to be overcome in order to achieve increasing numbers of positive outcomes. This supplement includes the following:
Novel Cancer Immunotherapy Combos
Who Gets Immunotherapy for Cancer?
HSP90 Inhibition Turns Up the Heat on Tumors
GEN Roundup: Quantifying Immune Cell–Mediated Killing
Cancer Immunotherapies Development Barriers
We trust you will find our cancer immunotherapy supplement of much interest and believe it will prove valuable as you pursue your own research in this exciting and rapidly expanding field.
John Sterling, editor in chief of GEN