September 1, 2018 (Vol. 38, No. 15)
Brave Old Challenges with Bold New Technologies
Bioprocessors concerned about issues of cost, quality, speed, and flexibility are always looking for new and better techniques to manufacture therapeutic products. In recent years, continuous bioprocessing has been drawing increasing interest.
Continuous processing can help resolve many bottlenecks in biomanufacturing by streamlining operations, according to Jenny Dunker, global product marketing manager, bioprocess hardware, GE Healthcare.
Continuous processing requires a great deal of automation which, in turn, can improve process consistency by decreasing the need for manual interaction. As a result, the risk of human error is reduced.
Continuous processing can also have a positive impact on product quality when working with products with tight specifications or unstable targets that require short residence time or would benefit from steady-state operation in the different process steps, notes Dunker.
But, she adds, continuous processing is usually considered more complex than a batch process, and a feedback/feedforward control strategy with the right automation is desired to ensure consistent product quality. Process development in line with the quality-by-design initiative also becomes more complex, as there are more process parameters and time factors to consider, Dunker points out.
To provide GEN readers with an update and overview of continuous bioprocessing, we’ve put together this special GEN supplement that features the following articles:
Visions of a Continuous Bioprocess Future
Continuous Processing’s Benefits within Biopharma’s Reach
Continuous Low-pH Virus Inactivation: Challenges and Practical Solutions
Vero Perfusion, Packed-Bed Vessels Intensify Vaccine Production
Single-Use Pressure Sensors for Continuous Processing and Leak Testing
A Swiss Army Knife for Modern Biomanufacturing
Next-Generation Processing a Multidisciplinary Pursuit
Next-Generation Bioprocess Techniques
Whether you have already embraced continuous bioprocessing technology, or are just thinking about doing so, we hope this supplement will help you as you plan your biomanufacturing strategies and operations.
John Sterling, Editor-in-Chief, GEN