October 1, 2018 (Vol. 38, No. 17)


Strong Points: Easy to use, users can choose to review the structures or quiz themselves
Weak Points: None




Memorizing the names and structures of common amino acids is the bane of any biochemistry student’s existence. Luckily, apps like Amino Acids: Quiz & Flashcards exist to make the task easier. The app provides a number of different ways for learning and reviewing the common amino acids and their structures. Users can quiz themselves based on the amino acid structure alone or by utilizing the multiple-choice feature, in which users have to choose the correct structure based on the name of the amino acid given to them. Users can also choose to time themselves to see if they can beat the clock while identifying the structures. Additionally, there are flashcards available for users who just want to flip through and review the names and structures of the amino acids. Amino Acids: Quiz & Flashcards is a useful app for biochemistry students or for anyone who finds that they need some review of the topic.

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