September 15, 2017 (Vol. 37, No. 16)



Strong Points: Large amount of information, sequence files

Weak Points: None


At any point in time you’ll likely find Wormbase crawling with visitors, because it is an essential resource to the worm research community. While the primary focus of the webpage is the genetics and biology of the popular model organism C. elegans, twelve other nematode species are also represented on the site. Users can easily interact with the content of the site by using the search field on the homepage. In addition to searching for specific genes (probably one of the more common uses of the website), users can specify any number of search parameters like laboratory, paper, sequence, reagent, transcript, expression pattern, or GO term. Users can also choose which species to include in their queries. A large amount of information is returned for each gene query, including an overview of the gene, its chromosomal position and transcript information, available worm strains, and sequence files, among other things.

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