September 15, 2006 (Vol. 26, No. 16)



Strong Points: Simple design

Weak Points: On the brief side


A schizophrenic site, Vaccines and the Infectious Diseases They Prevent provides a considerable amount of useful medical information about seven devastating diseases, but its URL and the opening page leads visitors to believe it only concerns tetanus. Fortunately, that is not the case, as a click on the small panel of disease names at the top of the opening page reveals. Diseases include influenza, meningococcal disease, polio, rabies, tetanus, travelers’ diseases, and haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) disease. Information about each disease is informative and tightly organized. There is a lot to learn here. Did you know that bats can bite so softly that it can occur while people are asleep without waking them? How about the fact that bats were linked to 24 of the 32 human cases of rabies in the 1990s? Check out this clever site for other interesting info.

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