February 15, 2006 (Vol. 26, No. 4)
Strong Points: Topical
Weak Points: Schizophrenic in its coverage
There probably has not been a natural disaster in the U.S. that has had a bigger impact on the national psyche than Hurricane Katrina, at least in my lifetime. The impact of this massive storm and the ineptness of the federal government to deal with it have filled the news. The human tragedies the hurricane brought are as numerous as they are heartbreaking. This USGS site reminds us that the impacts of storms are not felt solely by human beings, but also by ecosystems. The site’s offerings provide a hodge-podge of information about the relief effort, as well as information and references relevant to the damage it self. Highlights include aerial photographs and a link to a prescient paper written in 2003 about the possibility of flooding in New Orleans. While the USGS site is informative, it could be better focused. Indeed, it’s a bit schizophrenic, with coverage relating to human search and rescue, as well as habitat damage.