June 15, 2006 (Vol. 26, No. 12)




Strong Points: Entertaining

Weak Points: Needs a different format


If there is a single word that historians will use to refer to the first decade of the 21st century, it may well turn out to be podcast. Let’s hope it isn’t blogging. Podcasts are the hottest thing in communications since the Internet itself. With podcasts making inroads with traditional publishing interests (GEN offers a podcast, for example), there are a lot to keep track of. Enter This Week in Science Podcasts, which aims to serve the scientific segment of this new communication. While the site itself scores major points for broad coverage, even beyond science, its organization leaves a bit to be desired. The science broadcasts are mp3s, involving a couple of talking heads and the format is simply conversational—sort of a %Tonight Show%. While the topics are interesting, the coverage could be better, much better.

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