August 1, 2009 (Vol. 29, No. 14)
Strong Points: Good instructional and reference resources, nice organization
Weak Points: None
No, this website isn’t about a scientist on a caffeine high. Rather, this site contains a collection of wonderful electronic resources to teach chemistry. Material is organized into the general topics of chemistry, mineralogy, environmental, and NMR, and within each category there are a variety of subdivisions. These include, among others, instructional animations, problem sets, and laboratory exercises. A particular strength of this site is that it appeals to a wide audience, realizing that we are all “students of chemistry” in some capacity. Just because you’ve outgrown the lecture hall doesn’t mean you can’t find value in this site. The database of various NMR spectra, the annually updated bibliography of spectroscopic literature, and the list of employment and funding opportunities are just some of the resources targeted toward the professional. So I say, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy being a Wired Chemist!