October 15, 2010 (Vol. 30, No. 18)
Strong Points: Nicely designed and organized site, a number of resources for nonmenbers
Weak Points: Some of the resources have restricted access
Of all of the medical maladies plaguing the world, perhaps there are none so sad as birth defects, forcing those afflicted to deal with the deleterious conditions from the day they are born. The Teratology Society, whose tagline is “Birth defects research, education, prevention,” has a well-crafted website that provides resources
to members and nonmembers alike. Among the resources open to the public are teratogen update slide presentations, a list of recommended texts in teratology, developmental and reproductive toxicology, and a downloadable mini-textbook about the field of teratology, the Teratology Primer. There are links to online resources for both scientists and the general public that cover a wide range of topics. These resources are not limited to the field of teratology; indeed, toxicologists, geneticists, and developmental biologists will find links of interest to them as well.