November 15, 2016 (Vol. 36, No. 20)



Strong Points: Interactive, concise

Weak Points: Fairly basic overview of genetic concepts


The website for the Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose, CA is a great resource to gain a general overview of major concepts in genetics. Maintained by Stanford geneticists, the website includes pages with summaries about genes, mutations, and the ethical considerations that accompany genetic studies. The site also features short videos on several different topics, and a Q&A forum where users can submit questions to geneticists. The online exhibits portion of the website includes interactive videos and animations that let you zoom in on DNA, or instruct you how to extract strawberry DNA at home yourself. The Tech website is a great educational tool, and condenses complicated information about genes and genetics into an easy-to-follow format. The site is a great resource for students just starting to learn about genes, or for researchers outside of the field looking to brush up on their genetic knowledge.

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