November 1, 2006 (Vol. 26, No. 19)
Strong Points: Excellent resource
Weak Points: None
Here’s a site you’ll probably be interested in from the name alone. As almost everyone knows, stem cell research in the U.S. is considerably restricted due to limitations on federally funded research imposed by President Bush. Research outside the U.S. is not so restricted, so having a site for stem cell researchers to stay in touch with cell lines and happenings in this enormously potential field is essential. Welcome, therefore, The Stem Cell Community with descriptions of more than 200 human embryonic cell lines from 13 countries. Visitors can search the cell database, look up publications on the subject, view U.S. patents 18 months after filing, and examine gene-expression data in spreadsheet formats. There is community-related info (meetings, news archives, opinions, training courses) and a useful collection of relevant links that round out this well-designed site. A great resource for its target audience.