March 15, 2007 (Vol. 27, No. 6)


Strong Points: Links, newsletter
Weak Points: Needs to be more robust

I know I complain a lot about organization-based sites but keep including them in my listings anyway. Why, you may wonder. The answer is that the various professional organizations are noteworthy on their own merits, and if their sites have anything at all to offer to the general public, these two factors add up to justify reporting on them. The latest such site is that of the RNA Society, which for reasons I don’t understand, leaves out the space between ‘RNA’ and ‘Society’ in the site name but not in the name of the organization. Go figure. The RNA Society is dedicated to the sharing and dissemination of information relevant to RNA research. Like other sites for professional organizations, the RNASociety WebSite has its b-o-r-i-n-g elements, but it has several useful features as well. They include an excellent collection of links, a section on employment opportunities (only one position listed at press time, though), meeting information, and newsletters. Clearly a cut above the standard professional society website.

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