Rating: Excellent

Strong Points: Website is well organized and includes access to the wide array of publications by the foundation.

Weak Points: None

The PHG Foundation

The PHG Foundation at the University of Cambridge seeks to bridge the gap between basic science advancements in genomics and applied public health policies. The foundation works in close conjunction with major organizations like the United Kingdom National Health Service to evaluate emerging technologies and advise on the implementation of these technologies in healthcare and clinical settings. The foundation’s publications are freely available on their website and provide a wealth of information for a wide range of audiences. Government officials and legislators can find detailed policy briefings regarding genomic science on the website, while research scientists can follow links to recent journal publications from the foundation. The website even includes “Explainers” for a more general audience, which cover topics like proteomics and machine learning in short videos or infographics. The PHG Foundation is doing some interesting work and their website offers great information for all audiences about the intersection of genomic science and public health.

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